The IoT Toaster 18.07.2018 My weird little concept of an IoT ToasterMimikyute (Kyute Mimikyu) 03.07.2018 A kyute Mimikyu vectorMudkip Vector 26.06.2018 My first take on a cute Pokémon VectorSVG Dark Theme Switcher 27.05.2018 A Dark Theme / Light Theme Switcher SVGCan you hack my boyfriend's Facebook? 28.04.2018 A frequently asked question that almost every developer got asked at least once in their life. Here is the answer to your question. Your student isn't hacking 17.12.2017 A post about the problem with dark themes and uneducated teachers, parents and personnel.CSS & HTML only burger button 14.05.2017 An example of a pure CSS & HTML only burger button without JavaScript as I use it on my website.Redesign of my website 01.05.2017 Some information about my website, the new design and my current projects.