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What is MOBAGroove?

MOBAGroove is the first (and currently the only one as far as I know) working 4-Player MOBA style map for Wargroove online matches. The first version got released on February 18, 2019. It is inspired by traditional MOBA maps and contains lots of events and changed game mechanics.

You can download the current version (1.0.1) via Wargroove with the download code:

The original version 1.0 can be downloaded with the code: 5EU4QAZB

What important mechanics got changed / added?




Todo list

But... why?

Because after looking through the already uploaded maps, there seems to be a little demand of a proper MOBA map. Just (except for a tiny but good 1vs1 map in there) no one really achieved it when I browsed through the database. In the community forums some people also seemed to strongly question if it is even possible to create a real MOBA like map. So I did it. Because I knew it's possible after 3 minutes of taking a look at the map editor. And here we are. It might not be perfect yet, but it works and is kinda complex. Not everyone makes a perfect thing on the first go. Give it some time and maybe some updates in the future and it will be close.